Single Parents

Question about OFP and Divorce Agreement

So I just got the copy of my Order For Protection. It has already been signed by a notary and I have court on Friday for it. In it it says that STBXH is to have supervised visitation, not restricted.

I met with my lawyer on Friday and he is having me come in Monday to sign the paperwork and then STBXH will get served the divorce papers in jail. In our agreement visitation is completely restricted until he is released from jail and takes me to court in which I will have a process he has to go through before seeing the children. I know with STBXH's horribly violent and extensive background I will get what I want. Not to mention he can't afford a lawyer. My lawyer STRONGLY suggested restricting visitation and not even giving him supervised in our case. (STBXH threatened to kill DS)

So my question is, my divorce agreement will end up filed after my OFP court date. Would that mean visiting is then restricted since it is in the divorce agreement or do I have to have my OFP changed to match? I am not sure how this works and can't call anyone until Monday. Just curious if anyone here would know. I really don't want to get screwed over and STBXH end up having visitation due to the OFP.

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