Babies: 0 - 3 Months

20 days in hospital =( *long*

Our LO was born early at 36 weeks, or so we thought. She was an 8 lbs 2 oz baby and we had complications during birth. She got stuck in my pelvic bone and they had to really pull causing her to have brachial plexus =(. Heartbreaking as a mom. We have been in the hospital now for 20 days, tomorrow is 21, and she still is refusing to eat. We have been having to feed her through a feeding tube. The last two days the Dr. requested that we feed her by bottle only to see how much and how she would do, if she would gain/maintain. We have lost 2 ounces in the last two days which puts us down 3% of her body weight =(. We have had ultrasounds of her brain done and barium swallow tests and everything is "grossly normal". She will eat about 35 ml (supposed to eat atleast 65 ml per feeding) and refuses to eat any more. Yesterday we pushed her to eat at least 40 ml and she lost weight still. We are grasping at straws trying to figure out what is wrong and why she wont eat. Our Dr. says there is a possibility that she was born at 33-34 weeks vs the 36 which would make a difference, but not this much of a difference. =( Has anyone else had these problems?? or have anything similar happen?? We are so frustrated and SOOOOO ready to go home. She is the sweetest little most precious thing on earth, and i want nothing more than to take her home and start our lives....... HELP!

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