Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Waking a sleeping baby?

Ok, well DD has underlying issues (severe reflux, possibly food intolerance) that we are still working to get under control.  So during her awake time, she is either crying hysterically or nursing (which is practically nonstop during waking hours, I think due to her wanting to keep swallowing something down so nothing comes back up).  BUT....

She still seems to have her days/nights mixed up.  After reading Baby Whisperer, I've only been letting her sleep a max of about 2 1/2 hours at a time during the day, because of the idea of robbing nighttime sleep by letting her sleep the day away.  But I'm starting to wonder if that's backfiring & creating an overtired baby.  She can't possibly be awake MORE during the night than she has been.  Last night was a comparably GOOD night, and she was awake from 7 pm until after midnight, slept from about 12:30-3:00, and then was awake from 3:00 until almost 5:00 am, then slept from 5:00 am until about 7:30 am. 

She's 1 month old today, and the pedi said I can now let her sleep 5-6 hours between feedings, but I'm assuming that means at night.  If I let her sleep the day away, will she be awake even more at night?  I suppose it's worth a try, since she's up all night anyway, right?

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