Upstate NY Babies

Dentist appt, WWYD?

I was supposed to get my teeth cleaned next week, but I cancelled. I am 99% sure I had xrays 6 mos ago, but not 100%.

My step mom cleans my teeth, and she always asks if anything changed medically or if I was pregnant. I don't plan on telling anyone yet, and she can't be the first to know. So, I am hoping to get in on the same day as my OB appt closer to 8/9 weeks. I know dental health is very important in pregnancy, so wwyd?

Go and just not tell her since I am almost certain no xrays will be taken? Are there any other risks or reasons she needs to know? My fear is something will come up during the exam and the dds will want a quick xray.

I plan on sharing after the 1st u/s, so not too far off....I just hate not using the last cleaning of the year with insurance! lol

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