Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Poop question really need some opinions.

So LO used to poop a few times a day and then she started once a day then every other than on Nov 28th she had a poopy diaper than not another one until Dec 4th (monday-sunday) which I know can be totally normal in a BF baby so I wasnt concerned, then she poop again yesterday/friday at around 5PM the 9th so sunday-friday.  It wasn't as much as her diaper on Sunday but it was still quite a bit. Now she just had another one (well to be fair DH just changed one it could have happened anytime since she went to sleep at 10PM.  Also her diapers are normally pretty runny, DH said this one seemed thicker but it could have just been becuase we normally change her the second she goes and if she went sometime in the night and then it waited for a bit becuase she didnt fuss the diaper could have just absorbed more than we are used to. Why would she go from once a week to having two right in a row? Is this normal or something to be concerned about?

About Lo she is just over 6 weeks seems to be having a growth spurt ie eating quite a bit more than normal either more often or longer sessions, sleeping a lot, and seeming much fussier than normal.  Last night she had two 15 minutes nursing sessions (she normall only nurses for 5 mins) but spit up a lot afterward (she spits up after almost every feeding but not usually that much) and then acted as if she was hungry again but would spit up almost everything I gave her (possibly she was overeating and she just wanted to suck on something so I fed her more than needed?). She has  been having normal wets and she has thrush and has been on nystanin (sp?) for just over a week. Thoughts? I would just call and chat with Ped but its the weekend and I don't think its emergency room materal. TYI in advance for helping out an overly conerned FTM.

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