Babies: 0 - 3 Months

seems she likes to sleep on me...

so my 6 week old daughter will sleep for up to 4 hours at a time, but only when shes sleeping on either my or my boyfriends chest.  We've started a nighttime routine  couple days ago, bath/food/pjs/swaddle/rock and she seems to like the rocking and will fall right asleep. I put her in her bassinet with the sleep sheep going and shes fine, but about 20-40 mins after i put her down shes waking up again, not crying at first shes just awake. Then she cries when shes awake and no on is there picking her up,suggestions? and what should I do when she wakes up? Ive just been leaving her swaddled and rocking her back to sleep unless she seems hungry or its time for food.
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