Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Book on self soothing

I feel really bad for DS and I can't seem to think of a solution. DH works night shifts so I do dinner, bath, and bedtime by myself with both kids. Currently I bathe them at the same time and then I lay DS in DD's room while we read books. After DD gets in bed I nurse and lay down DS. I start with him around 7:45-8. But he really wants an earlier bedtime. He starts to fall apart around 6:30 and I have to push him through so I can take care of DD. It's so sad to see him just get further and further exhausted. Not to mention story time with DD is anything but sweet and comforting bc DS is fussing so hard and all I can do ia keep putting the paci in his mouth. Then DD is getting mad bc I'm not focusing on the books and I have to end up getting her into bed fast. When I bring DS into the room to nurse he is furious. Now... I think I could put him down earlier if he could self soothe himself to sleep but ne has no idea how to do this. I have the FP ocean wonders aquarium on it's way to my house, but there is no gaurantee it will work. So I'm wondering if there are any books on teaching a LO on how to self soothe. Needs to be appropriate for a three month old. I am clueless on how to teach him. It may be a silly question, but I am desperate. Our evenings are not finishing on a good note for anyone. (btw - the carrier doesn't work for me bc DS only likes to be in it if I am walking.)
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