Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Gas issues with my 12 week old

I have a 12 week old that is just now showing signs of tummy problems. He passes gas pretty much all day but has just started screaming for periods of time before or after he nurses.He poops atleast once a day but lately has been going longer than 2 hours and when he does poop, it's massive and goes everywhere. He draws his knees up to his stomach, his belly is hard, he will arch his whole body while he is screaming bloody murder, etc. etc. He will calm down  for a few minutes then all of a sudden start crying in pain again. We have tried gas drops, massaging, moving his legs, pretty much everything we can think to do. Our daughter didn't have gas issuses so this is somewhat new to me! Any advice on what worked for you is greatly appreciated!

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