Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Did Prevacid help your reflux baby more than Zantac?

With DD1, she wasn't diagnosed until 9 1/2 months when we finally switched to a pedi who addressed our parental concerns.  They put her right on Prevacid & we saw a huge difference in 7 days, and she was a completely new baby in 10 days.

DD2 has it worse than DD1 did, and I don't know if it's because she's so young or because SO many babies are being dianosed with GERD now, but they've been messing around for weeks with baby steps that aren't helping.  First, we had to try Mylanta for a week.  When that didn't work, we had to try Zantac at .5 ml twice a day.  When that didn't work, we asked for Prevacid & the pedi told us she wasn't supposed to give Prevacid - that only a GI dr. is supposed to do that if she's under 6 months.  So we went to the GI dr. & he doubled the Zantac dose to 1 ml twice a day.  We have to try that for a week now, and THEN he can give us Prevacid (said that insurance won't cover it unless they can prove they exhausted other options).

The increased dosage of Zantac seemed to help for 1 day, and now we're back to where we started.  Awake all night long, constant crying, miserable baby.  We have to suffer like this for 4 more days before we can try Prevacid :(

Since it helped DD1 so much, and since the GI dr. told us flat out that it was a better medicine than Zantac, I have high hopes for the Prevacid.  Honestly, that's all that's getting me through....the belief that in 2 weeks, she'll be a different baby.  Am I giving myself false hope?  I know every baby is different & we won't know until we try.  I'm just seriously losing it from sleep deprivation (and a sick toddler on top of it) and am looking for some hope!

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