Upstate NY Babies

Question re: visitors

DH is OOT and my friend is coming over with her boyfriend tonight.  My 4.5 year old goes to bed around 8, and I don't want to keep her up too much past that because it has been a LONG week and we might go to Breakfast w Santa as soon as we wake up in the morning.

My 2 year old goes to bed around 9:30.. she also needs a bath because she already had 2 poopy diapers and has sticky stuff in her hair..

So my friend txts me that she's going to get here prob 6:30 or 7 (meaning prob 7).

Should I encourage her to leave at a certain time?  My DD gets SO worked up, and if people are here, she won't stay in her room for bed.. plus I have to get my other DD bathed and in bed by 9:30..

I am so stressed out because I have been so busy and the kids are exhausted.. I feel like maybe it isn't a good idea for her to get here like 45 minutes before I usually start putting my DD down for bed.  I can't have her rough-housing with guests and then 2 minutes later have her in bed, she needs time to relax/calm down.

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