Babies: 0 - 3 Months

How long does it take for others to put LO to bed for the night?

It seems no matter what I do, my LO will only fall asleep at the breast.  I start our bedtime routine anywhere from 7 to 8 depending on her last feeding.  I will feed her and then rock her to sleep but she will NOT go to sleep that way.  So, I nurse her again and she will fall asleep for me to put her in her bed.  BUT, this will go on till 9 or 10 and it's back and forth for hours from the rocking chair to the couch.  I have tried to not let her use me as a pacifier before bed but she won't have it any other way.  Any suggestions?  Also, my LO has never fallen asleep on her own, except one time in her bouncy chair when she was younger.  Does anyone else's LO have to be put down for nape?


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