Babies: 0 - 3 Months

talk to me about getting LO used to her crib

My LO HATES her crib AND her pack n play. Anytime I put her down in either one she starts freaking out. When we first brought her home until 2 weeks she was cool with her pack n play but now she hates it. We can trick her and put her in her crib when she falls asleep but she won't go more than an hour without waking up and then she starts screaming. 

Do you think it is ok to put her in her crib while she is awake and in a good mood so that she can get used to her crib without thinking it is such a scary place? I put her in her crib tonight while I was cleaning up some stuff in her room/the house and she was happy as could be just cooing and looking around. My only thought with this is that she may not think her crib is for sleeping. What are your thoughts on this? Tips? Advice?  

kaylinsig1tubbab1 Lilypie First Birthday tickers image

Compromise and Balance are key. JH.

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