Upstate NY Babies

I feel guilty about something I saw....WWYD?

Last night we were going into the post office. The car next to us had a man in the front seat holding a baby and a couple kids in the back. The car was an older 4 door. I watched for a minute as I thought it was odd that the man was holding the baby, a trip inside isn't that long so wouldn't you leave a fussing baby in their seat?

The mother got in before I got R out of his seat, the man handed the woman the baby and she laid the baby on her lap (front seat)......and they drove away =(

I didn't have my cell phone, or else I would without a doubt called 911 with a plate #. It was dark so I couldn't see the plate clear, I wonder if I should have tried harder and called when I got home. IDK what police would have done after the fact. I was not going to approach and say anything as it was dark, and I was alone with R. Also not the safest area unless your minding your own business.

What would you have done?

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