Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Transferring sleep location struggle!

Our LO gets up for a feeding between 11 and midnight pretty much like clock work at this point. He usually falls asleep at the breast and when he de-latches himself I let him sleep on me for a good 5 min to make sure he's sleeping good. Then, I put him in his rock n' play that's in our room he wakes right up. Sometimes its so frustrating because I know that he's fast asleep before I move him. He doesn't usually wake up when I put him in the RnP after his 4am feeding. I've been having him sleep during the day in the RnP in hopes that will get him more comfortable being in there.  

I simply do not understand... but he's a baby and there isn't always an answer for the things that they do. Especially when I think about how easy he is to move around when he's sleeping during the day and doesn't make a peep! Does anyone have any tips on what they do with their LO's to keep them sleeping after they transfer baby to a different sleeping area? 



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