Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Is what I eat, what she eats?

first off, sorry for no caps(i'm on my blackberry while nursing) but i am wondering how much of what i eat gets through to my little girl while nursing

so blake is 13 days old and the only thing we find difficult with this easy going baby is she gets really bad stuck gas. poor munchkin, it looks so uncomfortable and our night time feedings gets stressful after burping.

so tell me! is it mommy and baby specific or is there certain foods that will make her more gassy then others? ie green peppers, anything with spice to it, caffeine(teas,choco,coffee). we need help and would appreciate any input. tia

Blake in BW 6 months Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 1RememberingMiloJuly1st2012
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