Single Parents

another child support issue

Can anyone tell me what to expect with the whole child support issue?  I originally started to file in February and all the paper work finally went through in July and I am "supposed" to have my court date given to me any day now.  He has not paid me a dime since February and he has a LOT of mental and alcohol issues.  He just confirmed today that he is drinking again so I am pretty sure I am going to have NO issues with full custody and supervised visitation, though I am also hoping to get it so that he can't have visitation if he is drinking and not a part of a program like AA and a psychologist (he has EXTREME anger management issues too).  But my question is what happens when they determine how much money he has to give me?  How do they determine what he has to pay vs what he can pay...what happens if what he has to pay is less than what he at the moment can pay? 


Thanks in advanced...I really just want this to be done already.

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