Single Parents

How is your relationship with your ex in-laws?

To be totally honest STBXH's mother is one more reason why I decided to leave the relationship. I can't stand her. She is probably one reason he wound up so messed up in the head. We got into an arguement yesterday because she kept repeating herself on things she told me a million times. When I told her she has already told me all of this she threw a fit yelling and swearing saying I was mean to her and proceeded to hang up on me. She has never really had a relationship with R and the ONE time I left him alone with her for a mere 10 minutes, she proceeded to smoke right next to him. I could smell it the second I got back. It reeked of cigarettes. I don't trust her nor do I like her.

Needless to say I won't be pursuing a relationship with her once my divorce is finalized and if she wants to see R she will have to drive her butt to my place to see him because I refuse to go to her apartment and my ex will not be having anything but supervised visits with the children.

I never seen my future like this but his entire family is one hot mess. How is the relationship with your ex in-laws and how do you handle it if it is rough? I have never viewed it as fair to keep a child away from their grandparents but I cringe at the thought of having to be around these people.

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