Babies: 0 - 3 Months

So thankful-reposted from Nov 2011

I just got done watching a documentary on Showtime called Little Man.  It was about a baby who was born 100 days early.  I cried for the whole 2 hours, all while holding my little girl close to me.  The first half was sad tears to see what this poor little boy and his family had to go through.  The second half was happy tears to see him overcome all life has thrown at him.  I have a one month old who I love more then anything.  But I hear myself complain at the fact that she loves to be held and I can't put her down.  No more.  This woman could not hold her baby months at a time and would love to be in my position.  If you get a chance watch this documentary.  Have the tissues close by.  It will make you thankful for what you have and see how strong people can be.
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