Upstate NY Babies

What gifts are you excited to give?

Evan:  Buzz, Toy Story lego set (he is obsessed with both)

Andrew: softest blanket ever...he LOVES his blankets! 

DH: Won't even write it on here, because I am trying really hard to make it surprise, but it is one thing and he will be like a kid on Christmas, I can't wait to see his face :)

I am buying for some people in need as well, and that just brings me a ton of joy as well!  I made calendars for all of the grandparents that came out super cute too.  For DH's side of the family, we rented a house in NC in lieu if doing gifts, so super excited about that trip.  

imageimage PHOTO Credit: Meryl :)Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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