Single Parents

Not single but scared

I need a little support and felt like you ladies might understand.  My ds is 5 months old.  H has made some bad choices in the past, but we worked on things and for 2 years we were in a really good place.  That?s when we got pregnant and ds was born.  A month ago H went on a business trip and did some things that, if we had not just had our son, I would have left him for.  As it is, I have agreed to give our marriage one more shot so long as I can tell he is really trying.

What scares me is not so much the idea of being alone with lo, I know I can do what it takes if necessary, but the idea of not knowing and investing more into our family if he is just going to break it apart again in another year or two.  He makes comments about ?if things don?t go well? or how he ?doesn?t want to make promises he can?t keep? and it just makes it that much harder.  He is a pretty good father, but not a good husband.

I?m willing to work to keep my family together, but won?t if I think it?s a bad atmosphere for my son. I guess I?m just looking for someone to tell me that I?m not doing anything wrong by keeping my emotional distance and kind of waiting to see how this plays out.  Is it bad that I?m a little scared right now?

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