Single Parents

Divorce help.

I'm sorry if you guys are bombarded by these questions all the time but I need some serious advice. 

XH and I got married too young, had a kid and now we can't stand each other. He lives in another state, is prior military and is probably going to jail soon (I pick them good right?). He has the copy of divorce papers but will not sign them.  We tried to do the route of agreeing on everything and just filing them so we won't have to go to court but since he has been sitting on these papers for months now, it's becoming clear that I might need to get a lawyer. 

Do you guys have any advice on how I can get him to sign them and send them to me? I've tried being civil with him but he has the mentality and maturity of a 10 year old. Also, I'm broke as shiz so getting a lawyer won't be easy for me but if it's what I need to do then I'll do it. Thanks guys.

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