Single Parents

Visitation when DC is sick?

How do you handle it? It hasn't really come up until this week. X gets 1 evening visit (2 hours) once a week and 2 overnights (in a row). This set up will likely change once we get through some investigations and court stuff. Ideally I'd like for him to have two 2-hour visits in the evenings plus one overnight.

I'm stuck on how to deal with it when DS is sick though. He is sick right now. I asked X to move his evening visit (he agreed). Then he asked me to move his overnights back 2 nights so DS isn't sick when he visits. I agreed since I know DS will be more comfortable at my house and I'm better at taking care of him when he's sick.

Normally do you cancel visits? Move them back? Keep them as normal?

It's a little more complicated in my situation because X picks DS up from daycare for his visits (DS won't be at DC if he's sick) and we live about 45 minutes away from each other. If we keep his evening visit I'll have to drive him 45 minutes to meet X then hang out for 2 hours and drive him 45 minutes back. 

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