Babies: 0 - 3 Months

BFers - does your LO take a bottle?

Does your LO take a bottle? Does it matter who's giving the bottle?
DS has been getting one bottle of formula per night since a few days old. Over the past few weeks DH has been having a harder and harder time getting him to settle again after the bottle (BF takes maybe 30 minutes total, bottle is like 1.5+ hours). This happens with BM or formula and we've tried 3-4 different types of bottles. Also, my mom has fed DS a bottle many nights and he's much better with her.

Anyone know why this could be happening?? DH is great with DS and can often calm him even when I can't so I don't know why they are having so much trouble at bottle time. I don't even mind taking over both night feedings, but I refuse to stop bottles completely - there are too many things coming up in the next month or two when I'll need to be away from DS for a little while, he needs to take a bottle occasionally. Any thoughts, tips, suggestions??

DD february 2010 | DS october 2011

*please excuse my typos, bumping from my iphone*
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