Upstate NY Babies

(updated) Will update with beta later but

Update: Beta super low at 19, so I do have to hope and pray for a big rise tomorrow! This would be why my lines were light and a not pregnant on digital on Monday. Hoping it is just early!


digital says "Pregnant"!!!!! haha

I will just update this post later with beta so I don't PW anymore! This is just pretty cool, I haven't been on BC since R was born! We don't have sex that often, maybe 2-3x a month as I am never in the mood. We got lucky, again! I estimate my due date around 8/13/13! I was not going to do any fertility treatments since they didn't work with R and were too stressful....praying we get this as a take home baby!

No more congrats needed....just wanted to share! I would post the pic but don't know how to get it from my iphone to here!

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