Babies: 0 - 3 Months

happi tummi and colic ease

Anyone try the happi tummi or the colic ease with success? 

I've tried gas drops and they don't really work and I do not like the black staining of the Colic Calm. I am staining all his clothes.  

Started TTC - 01/2009 1st BFP - 09/04/09,1st u/s - 10/06/09- no heartbeat seen, D&E - 10/13/09 BFP #2 - 2/12/10, m/c 2/17/10 BFP #3 - 01/03/11 m/c 01/10/11 BFP #4 - 02/21/11 DS born 10/13/2011 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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