Babies: 0 - 3 Months

**gwendarling, CA2006, JulieB00lie, Ladyvi**

hey ladiiiiesss. i dropped my iphone in the toilet- it works except the backlight wont turn on... which means temporary so-long to my middle of the night bumpfest. IM UPSET ABOUT IT. how am i going to stay awake during night feedings??!! hopefully i can get it fixed soon.

How are you guys doing? how are your LOs? naps? bedtimes?

CA, any luck with drowsy but awake??

Lets talk about teething. Anyone have this going on? My LO is turning into a faucet with the drool... and is trying very hard to get her whole fist in her mouth to chew on. Im scared i might have a thumb sucker soon- she spits out her paci to get her fingers. Today she was SUPER fussy. she didnt smile all day, wouldnt sleep, and drooled all over my arm as she attempted to put everything in her grasp in her mouth. I gave her a half dose of tylenol because she seemed uncomfortable. It looks like there are 2 bulges on her top gum.. but i didnt think these were the first teeth to come in?

Shes doing well with drowsy/awake, but is only cat napping during the day now, making it impossible for me to get anything done- especially with this teething nonsense she is so fussy and wants to be held all. the. time.

besides that, the last couple nights she has slept from 8 pm to 4 am! WOOT WOOT!! i started pumping yesterday at 10 pm before i go to bed. she is waking for the day at 730 though, as opposed to her old 930/10.

On a bad note, i fear aunt flow is around the corner because of these longer stretches of sleep... cramping.. chocolate cravings... spotting. sigh. ill take the sleep though.


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