Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Breastmilk storage question- pumpers come in (xp BF)

Hi, i just started pumping yesterday, my LO has moved up her bedtime and is sleeping longer so I am pumping right before I go to bed to start a little freezer stash for emergencies i guess. is this a bad idea? should i not pump in the evening? it is about 3 hours after her last feed.

Anyway, I only pump about 10 minutes and get 2 ounces, i dont think i let down well for the pump because mine is a cheaper one and sorta hurts.

Can i put this milk in the fridge, then add 2 more ounces the next night, then freeze? what are the rules of putting milk from the fridge to the freezer, is it ok? or how much should i freeze per bag?

also, if i take a bottle from the fridge and let it get to room temp, can i put it back in the fridge if she doesnt finish it, and feed it again later?


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