2nd Trimester

Job Interview...

Advice needed: I finally got a job offer after over a year of job searching... I really need the money right now and could use something to do during that day. What should I do? I aced the telephone interview and am going for an interview. She knows I would only be temporary since I'm starting school in september... She just doesn't know I might be leaving early. Is it possible for me to not tell her and just give a mopnths notice before I leave? Or should I let her know and hope it doesn't affect things... I really really need the money :(

I was thinking of telling her since I am showing and writing a letter just explaining it is a healthy and uncomplicated pregnancy and I am capable of work until March 1st. [I'm due the 16th]

Rant: stupid me called my mom and grandma for advice earlier and they both bitched me out to shreds for attempting to get a job while pregnant. Now if I don't get the job, I'll have to deal with their told-you-so's. I also read online it's best not to tell when interviewing but telling when you have a job offer already... so much conflicting advice I'm really nervous and now I feel pressure because my family is so negative and stubborn...and I posted on fb about it and this girl in Edmonton who I was childhood friends with she came out and said she got the same offfer for the same type of job same wage and she's a known liar so if I dont get hired she'll lie and say she did to make me feel like crap and she lives in edmonton so no one can really say anything.

The job is at a call centre and they know I could only work until September due to school, [its fulltime], so it means the period they expected me for would be shortened, but it has a very fast turnaround rate since it's Collections..

I live in Canada btw. :)

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