Single Parents

Pampering during pregnancy

Today I so wanted to get up and get moving but I had the most awful M/S and I'm still in bed. I'm hoping this will subside soon because I'd like my normal life back!

However, I'm determined to make it through the rest of the pregnancy happy and no more feeling down about being alone! So I booked a small massage with a manicure/pedicure after seeing an unbelievable special online :) So off I'll go for a little pampering tomorrow! I refuse to let myself feel physically AND emotionally miserable any longer. I can't do much about the physical part though although I'm praying the second trimester will really help! :)

What did you single ladies do while you were going through your pregnancy? This may sound like a silly question but I have to get used to doing things alone. I went out with a close friend the other day and sometime in the evening I just couldn't get rid of the nausea and the vomiting started. I hate having to ruin someone another person's day because of how sick I tend to get. So I've decided I'd start to just relish some alone time until the all day sickness wears off.

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