Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Swaddling for naps?

For night, I always swaddle LO, turn off the lights, in his bassinet, and use his sound machine.  

 During the day, I have always let him nap on his own without being swaddled, in his swing or bouncy chair or on me (wherever & whenever he falls asleep) and I keep the lights on. 

 Today, I went to the gym and when I came back, I saw how tired he was and decided that since I REALLY wanted a shower that I would swaddle him, put him in his bassinet, and turn his sound machine on.  Now, he is sound asleep, which is kind of nice because not only did I take a shower, but I can also eat lunch. 

So my questions are:

1) Does anybody let LO nap under the same circumstances during the day as they do during the night?

2) If so, does that confuse their sleep schedules?

3) If this does not confuse them, is this a good way to get them on a napping schedule? 

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