Babies: 0 - 3 Months

I need sleep help ladies

LO sleep has been just awful lately. She is colicky and has reflux, but I think her biggest issue is not being able to get enough sleep so she is perpetually overtired. She doesn't get near the amount of sleep she should. She will be 7 weeks on Wednesday and her sleep started falling apart about 2 weeks ago. She gets about 10-12 hrs of sleep per day if that, and that's counting all the crap 30 min non-restorative naps that she takes. In the morning, she can generally get a longer nap in, sometimes not though. The ONLY thing that gets her to fall asleep is to be held/rocked. It doesn't matter how long, she always wakes up as she's transitioning into that next sleep cycle and then as soon as you pick her up, she falls back asleep again. But even once put down she max sleeps another 30 min before screaming again.

I am at wit's end. I spend hours a day holding her trying to get her to sleep. I hardly have time to eat/pee/shower you name it. Someone please tell me that they dealt with something like this and fixed it/made it more manageable. Thanks girls.

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