Single Parents

more than one job?

do any of you lovely ladies work both full time and a part time job? Money is really tight right now (and was before LO even got here). I've already cut back on as many expenses as possible and aside from selling my car (which with the car payment, insurance, and gas will save me $600 a month)...there's nothing else I can do but get a PT job. Obviously i don't want to sell my car, i've only had it for a year & but if that's what I had to do & just save up for a new used car then I guess that's what I'd have to do.

my hope was to try to hold out and see if i'd get awarded child support (i know, major single parent no-no but i didn't file for CS yet, he asked for CS from me in his custody petition so I was trying to wait until we went to court.) I also wanted to hold out on getting a PT until our custody stuff was settled because then i'd know my availability and it'd give me something to do while she's away with her dad.

but is working two jobs and taking care of LO biting off too much. I feel like i'd never get to see her or spend time with her. I wanted to go back to school too to get my master's degree so that I could find a higher paying job but I'm just not seeing how all of that would be possible.

any thoughts?

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