Single Parents

Child Support, wage garnishment - need some advice

Our original court order is dated October 2010 (in Texas) and we were both told that the child support would be withheld from his paychecks and it would take about 3 months for all that paperwork to be filed. Also told at that same mediator meeting that the state doesn't get involved in missed child support payments until Ex has gone 3 months with no payments. 

Fast forward to today, 14 months later: For some reason unknown to me, the paycheck with holding has never started even though I have twice received copies of the letters indicating the company and ex has been notified. Also, ex either only makes a partial payment or skips the payment altogether. When I called the attorney general's office this past summer. I was surprised to be told that the records of employment ex gave them were not valid or could not be located. As well his personal information was out of date. I gave them all the correct information I have from emails with ex since he occasionally uses his company email to contact me. And yet, the wage garnishment has yet to happen. They sent the letters again informing company and ex about wage garnishment. About the same time, ex started sending in only partial child support payments or skipping the payments altogether, but he never goes beyond 2 months of complete non payment. 

Advice? What should I do? Is this a problem on the state's side or is ex causing problems with the wage garnishment some how? Also, how do I know he hasn't had a raise? He goes on and on about how tight money is, and he can't make a payment right now... but then I see on Facebook some pictures of some new guns that he most definitely did not have when we separated.  Do I need a lawyer to fix this? Or do I just make a pest of myself calling in to the state?

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