South Florida Babies

Hello - and stupid question :)

Hello, ladies!

I am writing to say Hi... I have been SUPER MIA... I mean, I don't even remember the last time I came around - and maybe a lot of you don't either :-/

Anyway, as a little re-cap, I am a former Knottie/Nestie, but I am signing in and hanging around the message boards under this name. So, here I am again! I am blogging for Bloomin' Babies, and it has really been a great outlet for all my TTC and PCOS woes. For all of you who suffer from some sort of IF, you know what I mean?! Yeah :(

So, anyway, I am trying to get back into the message boards and the Bump Community... and I am having a really hard time updating my siggy. I just cannot remember - for the life of me - how to update it. I wanted to add a ticker, or something. I know this must sound so dumb :-/

Well, I hope I can frequent the boards more... in the meantime, if you are interested in hearing more about my TTC journey so far, please feel free to visit the blog. 


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