Single Parents


The Friday before Thanksgiving my DH came home from work and handed me divorce papers. It was a complete shock and threw me for a loop. He wanted me to sign the papers immediately and have the divorce finalized before he gets ready to deploy in a couple months. I refused and moved me, our son(2), and our daughter(6 months) 3 hours away to live with my parents. We have since settled on finances for the next year as I refuse to get a divorce until he returns from his deployment so that I still have medical coverage until I can get a job. While I am still very heart broken about his decision, I am strangely at peace with it. I am just trying to get back on my feet and make a life for me and my children. I am looking for a job since I was a stay at home mother and had no income. I still have moments where I want to break down, but my babies keep me going.  
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