Single Parents

Questions to ask Divorce Lawyer?

So my mom knows a slew of good lawyers as she was a single mom and is also a business owner and I'm going to figure out which one I think will do the best job for me. Never had to do this before so I'm at a loss as to what to ask him/her. What are some good questions to ask them first and foremost? What should I look for?

My background: H is in jail awaiting sentencing for felony domestic abuse and terroristic threats (they can serve him papers in jail right?), we have a one year old and another on the way due in June. We have been married 9 months only. He has a ton of debt and I have none. He has a huge background of trouble and violent behavior that dates back to him as a YOUNG child, I have a couple minor things when I was young, nothing serious. I have had a steady successful job for 5 years (good for a 25 year old I think) and he can't hold a job longer than 3 months. You can see where I am going with this.

I don't want to "take" his kids from him but am hoping for full custody with some sort of visitation which we can discuss after he is released. Considering his background I don't think this should be too difficult.

So where do I start? I want someone I know will fight for me and won't play games.

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