Babies: 0 - 3 Months

I feel like a terrible mommy

LO has been SO gassy and uncomfortably for the past 2 weeks. I have been giving her Little Tummy gripe water per my pedi and havent had any relief what so ever. Well, with having enough of seeing her go through this with no relief and me and DH not sleeping because of this terrible grunting and crying, i did some research and apparently the main ingredient isnt even to be used in children under 5 and isnt even FDA approved. Now of course that was stated on the bottle in small print and i completely missed it. the article states its absorbed into the blood stream with unwanted side effects. I feel so terrible! I been giving this to her several times a day! So, per a link on the article recommending Colic Calm, We gave that a go and yay! Much better :) But I feel so quilty for missing it wasnt even FDA approved
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