Babies: 0 - 3 Months

STTN and swaddle questions... my DD will make 8 weeks this Wednesday (BF mama). At around 6 weeks she began sleeping from 10-4. Her longest stretch has been 10-545am. I am not doing anything differently, and lately its been 10-3am WHICH I know is considered STTN. I am going back to work soon, and wondering if there is any tricks I can do to get her to sleep a bit longer. I have been cluster feeding her at night (7,830, 10), and i try my darnest to keep her up but sometimes I fail. I have even tried going in at 3am and giving her the paci. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't. Just curious if eventually she will get back on track or if 10-3am is a good deal??!! Should I let her cry it out at 3am, feed her, or? Sorry first time mom here.

Also - I have been swaddling her at night time since she was born with the miracle blanket. I have noticed at her 3am wakeup she is breaking out of it (which I swaddle pretty tight at bedtime.) Should I discontinue swaddling her, try something else, or keep swaddling? I have a video monitor and watching her, she fights to get out of it sometimes.

 thanks in advance!



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