Babies: 0 - 3 Months

FTM and some questions

LO is 4 weeks old now. The first 2 weeks she was an absolutely sound sleeper for 3 to 4 hours. Now at 4 weeks, im luck if she sleeps an hour or two. She grunts constantly and seems so uncomfortable. I know shes been gassy and shes been taking little tummy gas drops for a week now but i dont see much improvement. We also switched her formula to Soy because it seemed like she was really straining to poop and it was a dark forest green like. Shes been on the Soy for about 4 days and still the formed poop but its a yellow. Still seems like shes struggling. I dont know what to do for the poor girl. Doesnt seem like shes in pain at least. 

 Another thing I cant figure out is this swaddling thing. She has been breaking out of it since week two so i kind of gave up on tight swaddling. But now i cant figure out if she fusses to get out of it or fusses because shes out of it and cant stop her arms from moving everywhere. She doesnt sleep well on her back so i try to turn her on her side. During the day I sleep her on her tummy and keep an eye on her. Im not comfortable doing it at night but she sleeps the best on her belly. I was also up and down alot trying to either remove a blanket or add a blanket because I cant tell if maybe the room temp makes her uncomfortable. I am always cold and DH is always hot so its hard to go by dress her like I would. But I guess since he weighs alot more then me thats not a good indicator. lol. Do you still keep hats on LO? I did all the time the first week but am not sure if you are supposed to do that for a while or not. She is such a tiny baby and all her hats are so big :(

 Would like to know peoples experience with this swaddling thing and if you have any ideas on what to do about this formula and constant straining thing she has going on. My pediatrician on friday said it was normal for her to be making all those grunts...But idk, maybe its just worried FTM syndrome.. Thanks Ladies! 


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