Single Parents


My H and I have been officially separated for just over a month now. I keep trying to figure my sh!t out but these conflicting emotions are killing me. I have an almost 6 mo old son with him, and I just woke up one day realizing that he's not the person I thought he was when we started dating 8 years ago. We'll have been married 2 years in January. I think it's in my and Lucas (my DS) best interest to press for divorce. He doesn't take care of himself and his anger is way out of check (almost to the point where he wanted to hit our child for crying). He has no ambition, and if anything has held me back in what I wanted to do.

Anyways, I figured I'd just say hi and introduce myself. Single parenting is really tough, and I admire you gals who've been at it for so long now.

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