Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Broken video monitor :( WWYD?

Hi ladies,

I have the Summer Infant Baby Touch video monitor. I clipped it onto my pants this morning while I was carrying a basket of laundry to the basement. The monitor fell off and hit about 5 stairs as it tumbled to the bottom. The screen has a pretty good crack and now most of the touch screen features don't work. The only thing I can do is move the camera up and down. Can't go left and right or zoom or toggle between the extra camera we bought. I'm sooooo upset. Of course we didn't purchase the warranty so I feel like I'm totally stuck. The monitor isn't sold separately so I'd have to spend another $280 to replace it. The extra camera we bought was $100. I don't know what to do. Anyone out there have a similar experience and have any luck getting a replacement for cheap??? Wishful thinking I'm sure...

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