Babies: 0 - 3 Months

fighting and no sleeping...vent. Kinda long

LO is 4 weeks now and ever since DH went back to work ( 3 weeks ago ) we been fighting about every other day. He gets up at 5 am and works until 5 pm so i try to let him sleep when i can and take care of her myself at night. The nights i need him to help me, he throws a fit bitching he is tired and works all day. Um hello, i am taking care of a newborn pretty much alone 24 hours a day plus cleaning the house, laundry, dishes, ect. I am lucky to get 2 hours of sleep in a day. I asked him tonight to simply change her diaper and it turned into an all night fight. Further more, when he did go to bed and was asleep i just asked when i should set his alarm for and half awake he started yelling that hes getting up. I didnt even tell him to get up! I am just so stressed with doing everything myself, not sleeping, and the past two days shes been throwing up after every feeding. I am exhausted but he seems to think because im not at work, my day must be easy. I just dont know what to do and how to handle it. I am being as strong for LO as I can be, but let me tell you, I brake down and cry several times a day and im worried my frustration is going to get worse especially when i do go back to work in two weeks. Im sure im still going to be the only one getting up at night. Ugh, thanks for reading
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