Single Parents

Family drama :( Young, single mama

Vent/Rant: [sorry in advance I just need to talk to someone]. My mom has been totally getting on my nerves. She insisted on abortion for the first like 20 weeks, and then went all baby crazy buying all kinds of stuff, but every time I talk to other family members they just talk about how my mom doesn't want me having this baby and I'm too immature and not grown up. Background: My mom got pregnant with me at 18, she wasn't done high school and took a while to finish. My grandma raised me for the first few years and my mom basically lived her life as a teenager. She lived with my grandma until I was about 12 years old or so. Then lived next door to her until a month ago. My background: I'm 20, pregnant and I live on my own and I fully support myself, pay my bills and buy groceries with my own money. My mom hasn't given me a dime since I was 16. I graduated high school with honours last year, and am going to University. I have a plan on how to raise this baby. Our situations are totally different. But she's convinced I can't do it. Another thing is that daycare might not be immediate for me since I haven't done my taxes and the waitlists are very long, so she offered to take care of the baby for the first few months until daycare is sorted out. My grandma kindly told me she has no intentions of helping and was going to tell me last minute. That is not fair at all. I get she thinks I'm going to drop out of uni and she's going to end up with the baby... But I'm doing everything I can to prevent that. I'm trying to get ready to have this baby and be successful in school and life and as a parent. I want the best for him by setting an example. Just because she didn't do that, doesn't mean I can't. She will not be raising my son. Apparently now, she won't be babysitting either which is fine. And after all this, she wants to be in the room with me when I deliver? My plan was to let her and my grandma in, but right now I feel like I'd rather be in there alone. I know I won't be perfect and I'll make more than enough mistakes, but I don't wanna be her. I want an education and career, I don't want to feed off the government for my whole life and that's that. I don't know how I'll handle her after the baby comes. She can't seem to make up her mind. She *** off for the weekend with her boyfriend no one has met and leaves my sisters alone at home for days, [they're 14 and 16]. I just don't know what to think/say anymore... I'm just trying to stay civil with her and act like nothing is going wrong. :(

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