Single Parents


I would have responded to the thread in the other post but I didn't want it to get lost among the other responses.

Thank you for your reply!  I always seem to feel a strong connection with other women who are going through or have been through what I have and it's nice to maybe be able and help give some hope in an unfavorable situation.

I understand just what you mean about not being able to move on.  With my first things ended with BF while I was pregnant and he moved on quickly.  It hurt so much, not that I wanted him back, but because he could easily continue to live his life while I was getting bigger by the day and struggling with all of the pregnancy issues alone. 

I was like you and didn't date while I was pregnant. I just thought that would be weird.  But you will be surprised ( I promise) how easy it is to jump back in the dating world after you have your precious LO.  You will find a new confidence about yourself and that in itself is attractive.  Just know that you are worth finding someone great.  I struggled with that and settled for quite a few LOSERS! And got my heart broken many unnecessary times.  I was lucky that a mutual friend set me up with my now DH and we hit it off really well.  He fell in LOVE with my kids and me and I just knew I had finally not settled for less than I deserved.

Also, if you aren't already, follow AChase's blog

She is awesome and her perspective on single life and the dating game are wonderful IMO.  She has so much respect for herself and knows she's worth the perfect man.  These are important because I see so many girls fall back in with worthless men and continue the cycle.  I know everything will turn out for you and good luck along this journey!  Please PM me if you ever feel the need to chat!  I love "meeting" new people!

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