August 2012 Moms

Hello Ladies

Hey there August Mommies!

DH and I got our BFP on Thanksgiving night. EDD IS 8/3/2012. We have a DS who will be turning a year old this month, so we'll be in the 2u2 club.

I have been posting on the Baby Name board for a little while now (cause I'm a name nerd Geeked) and look forward to good discussions with all of you! 

BNB March Siggy Challenge: Name from Celtic Origin: Finnegan photo 158614e5-071f-4197-8231-6518c4fe7875_zps5fe40f60.jpg photo 32175b27-dbee-40a5-8b74-2782490a4dd3_zpsca5a8af3.jpg
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