Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Angelcare false alarms??

So my DD is 5 weeks today and we've been using the Angelcare monitor for 4 weeks now, never having the alarm go off once.

Last night we elevated the legs of one side of the crib, per the Dr's recommendation.  At 1 am (10 pm bedtime) the alarm went off.  Heart be still, I've never lept out of the bed so fast.  We took the crib back down to the floor and went back to bed.  The alarm went off TWO more times in an hour.  When we went to check her, she was in a pretty deep sleep, but had not moved off the sensor pad. She has also been very congested at night.  Could these have been false alarms or real alarms?  I don't know what to do.  I slept in her nursery chair for the rest of the night, now I'm running on awful sleep and I'm scared to death it will happen again tonight.  


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