Single Parents

Leaving on Saturday

After lurking on this board for a long time, I will finally be joining you.  I have finally found the strength and courage to leave my controlling, manipulative, and emotionally abusive husband.  An old friend (who is also recently divorced), is letting DS and I stay with him until I can figure out a place for us to live. 

I'm nervous, because I'm moving out Saturday while my husband is at work, and he has no idea I'm leaving.  I didn't want to tell him because I knew he'd just get angry and try to talk me out of it.  

I'm scared, because I have no job, and without the generosity of this friend (who is my best friend's brother, and like a brother to me, also), I would have no place to go, either. I'm scared to start all over, even though I'm excited, too.  I'm mostly scared of how my husband is going to react when he gets home and sees that we're gone.  Do I leave a note?  Do I answer his phone calls?  I'm so nervous, and I'd really appreciate any advice from anyone who has been in this situation. How did you handle it and also, how do you wish you would have handled it?

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