Upstate NY Babies

Am I being unreasonable?

You guys "know" my mom...I have said enough on here to give you a good idea of our relationship.

That being said, would you let her babysit? We have a gc to the auditorium theater that has to be used by Dec 14. We were thinking of seeing Billy Elliot, but we need a sitter. I was thinking the 2pm Sat show, whoever came over would get him up from nap and give him snack. We would be home by dinner, so not much to it. BUT, I just can't ask my just doesn't set well. Next weekend we have dh's Christmas party so my dad/step mom are coming to put R to bed. This I am fine with but don't want to ask for 2 weekends in a row.

WWYD? Suck it up and ask her? How much harm can she do in 3-4 hrs? 

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