Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Sleeping on my chest

So my almost 6 week old will only sleep on my chest. I've tried putting him down in his crib drowsy and completely asleep. If drowsy he will start screaming after about 5 minutes, if asleep he wakes up within 20 min and is screaming. When he sleeps on me he  will sleep 2-4 hours. I swaddle and do a whole routine for naps and bedtime. If I hold him he's asleep in less than 5 min. I always start the routine at first yawn which is an hr to hr 15 after he last woke up. I'm just looking for encouragement that he will outgrow this or tips and tricks to stop this. He hates the moby and I really just want his to sleep in his crib. I know it's WAY to early to cry it out and I've tried goin in and soothing him and not picking him up and sometimes he stops crying for a few min and sometimes he doesnt. I've tried putting him in his pack and play that's been heated and right next to me with my arm on his chest, having dh put him down, double swaddling, white noise, music....I really hope he out grows this. 

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