Single Parents

Counseling for LO?

DS is 4, almost 5 and having a lot of trouble with preK.  He's been really clingy to me and in the past few months developed some anxiety related to going to PreK.  I work 3 days a week, and stay home the other 4, and he is only there 2 1/2 hours 3x a week, other times he is with Grammie.  He has been going to this school for 3 years so that's not new. 

New things:  A new teacher and new room and new group of kids.  Also, his father was out of his life for the 18 months and just came back in late August, right before school started. 

I can't figure out if the problem is school (the teacher, the kids etc) or the fact that his dad is back in his life.  A couple of my IRL friends have suggested counseling for DS but I don't think I want to go there...he's only 4 and it just seems to me like it might be making a bigger deal out of his dad being back in his life then it really is.  Am I missing something?  What do you think, would you/do you take LO to talk to someone?  I can see the benefits of a neutral party and all...I'm just feeling kind of weird about it I guess. 

Other thoughts are to check out a different preK school, because I'm feeling like it's a lot to do with this one kid in the class, and the way the teacher is handling it.  I'm at my wits end dropping off a crying kid that is SO.NOT.A.CRIER. over anything. 


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